Why Hire a Board Certified Bankruptcy Attorney
Let's face it, if you had a serious medical condition, wouldn't you want a physician who is a board certified specialist in that area of medicine to treat you instead of a general practitioner - Certainly, you would choose the board certified specialist! Likewise, in a bankruptcy case, which is a highly specialized area of the law often involving complicated legal issues, you should entrust your financial future or that of your business to an attorney who is a board certified specialist in bankruptcy law.
There are more than 70,000 attorneys licensed to practice law in Texas. Out of these attorneys, very few are board certified in Texas in both Consumer and Business Bankruptcy Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization (TBLS). Jerome A. Brown is one of those very few attorneys in Texas who is a board certified bankruptcy law specialist. Even fewer of the attorneys holding such certifications have the years of experience of Mr. Brown (over 30 years) in representing individuals and businesses in bankruptcy and debt workout matters. Don't take chances with your bankruptcy case! Put experience and knowledge on your side and hire Jerome A. Brown of The Brown Law Firm to handle your bankruptcy or debt relief case.
For more information about the TBLS and the rigorous process that attorneys must undergo in order to become a board certified bankruptcy attorney, please read the following:
The TBLS was formed and is operated under the authority of the Supreme Court of Texas. The purpose of TBLS is to help people seeking legal counsel for a specific problem, such as bankruptcy, find an attorney who is experienced and possesses special competence in that area. This very demanding certification process is both individual and voluntary. It helps insure that the citizens of Texas receive the highest quality legal services. Because the Texas program is nationally recognized as one of the most outstanding legal specialization programs in the country, many states send representatives to Texas for help in setting up their own specialization programs.
To become a board certified bankruptcy attorney, an attorney must have been practicing law in Texas full-time for five years. In addition, the attorney must have been practicing bankruptcy law for at least three years, handled a wide variety of bankruptcy law matters to demonstrate experience and involvement and devoted a certain percentage of his practice to that area. The candidate for certification must also provide the TBLS with the names of judges and attorneys who are familiar with the attorney and his actual experience in that area. The Board may also go to other judges and lawyers to obtain more information about the candidate. The attorney applying for Board Certification must have also completed numerous hours of approved Continuing Legal Education courses in the area of specialization within a prescribed time period. Finally, in order to become board certified in both consumer and business bankruptcy law, the candidate must pass two rigorous examinations to demonstrate his knowledge of the law in bankruptcy law. Successful candidates are certified for five years.
Even after an attorney becomes board certified, he must reapply every five years for recertification. While no exam is required, the attorney must attend at least 100 hours of Continuing Legal Education in that particular field and submit the names of judges and attorneys who are familiar with him in his field of specialization. The applicant for recertification must attest that he devoted a minimum percentage of his total practice to the specialty in each of the past five years.
As is apparent from the information provided above, becoming and remaining a board certified bankruptcy attorney is no simple feat. It requires experience, knowledge and dedication. Put these qualities to work for you and hire Jerome A. Brown to represent you or your business in order to obtain financial freedom and peace of mind.
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